Sunday, October 18, 2009

Alcohol; The cause of & solution to, all of life's problems..

So this is an interesting one..
Joey & I talk again.
Even Anthony and him are talking.
A 2 year fight, ended, all because I got too drunk. lmao

So I got dragged to Joey's wedding by my dad
and grand mother, and Stacy made Anthony
go. So obviously Anthony and I stuck together
as much as possible. The reception, we were
no where near each other, but I had Andrew
with me, so it was alright.

Andrew and I defiantly took advantage of open bar.
I was drinking vodka like it was going out of style.
I ended up getting loaded and went over and hugged
Joey and that was how him & I reconciled.
Anthony came around that night too.

We've all talked since..
But we'll never be the same.
He's still not the same brother I once had.
& I highly doubt we'll even hang out / see each
other outside of family functions.
But at least we can all be civil.