Thursday, March 26, 2009

I can't very well take my eyeballs out & turn them around..

Who decided what words
would be bad?

They are just words.
How come apple isn't bad?
But Asshole is?

It's been plaguing me
lately because,
I am almost 20 years old.
I moved out when I was 16,
I haven't lived with my parents
since then, and yet..
The second I say "fuck"
Shit hits the fan.

They don't really care about
anything but "fuck." Depends.
I have heard "watch your mouth!"
About 1000 x in the last week.

They are pretty amazing words.
They can mean so many different things.

Fuck [Fuhk]
  • To engage in sexual intercourse
  • slang; go fuck yourself
  • etc
Shit [Shit]
  • To defaecate
  • Slang. narcotic drugs, esp. heroin or marijuana.
  • Slang. a selfish, mean, or otherwise contemptible person
  • Slang. something inferior or worthless
Ass [Ass]
  • A long-eared, slow, patient, sure-footed domesticated mammal
  • A stupid, foolish, or stubborn person
  • The buttocks
  • The rectum
Bullshit [Bool-shit]
  • nonsense, lies, or exaggeration
  • to lie or exaggerate to.
Asshole [As-hohl]
  • Slang; a stupid, mean, or contemptible person
  • insulting terms of address for people who are stupid or irritating or ridiculous
  • vulgar slang for anus
Cunt [Kuhnt]
  • Slang; the vulva or vagina
  • Used as a disparaging term for a person one dislikes or finds extremely disagreeable
Dick [Dik]
  • Slang; Penis
Bitch [Bich]
  • a female dog
  • anything difficult or unpleasant: "The test was a bitch"


Anonymous said...

and what makes cunt such a bad word? why do people cringe at it? is it the way it sounds? or is it because it refers to a personal body part that most people find private, does the word cunt threaten our personal security?

Brittany said...

I think that word is hilarious.
They are all JUST words.
Great words, but words nonetheless.
Why are the ones I wrote about the bad ones?

Anonymous said...

you'll love Chris, he says cunt all the time haha We need bad words to express 'bad feelings'

Brittany said...

They also express good feelings like "fuck yeah!" and "guess fucking what?!"