Saturday, November 15, 2008

My heart burns there too..

I figured out how to get into my livejournal.
The last time I wrote in it was exactly 13 months ago.
My layout is messed up now.. no more Avenged
sevenfold pictures, and I can't figure out how to
change stuff on there, it's been so long.
So I guess I am staying here.. no HTML.

I read over my last couple entries of my livejournal
and I couldn't stop laughing at how ridiculous
I was. My last entry was 13 months ago to the day
And guess what it was about.. MUSIC.

I guess it doesn't matter how many years
pass, I am never going to get over it.
Music is the only thing I care about, the only thing
I am good at. Most days I am kicking myself
for no going to Canadian idol that year,
But who knows how far I would have gotten
anyways.. but that's the biggest problem.
The "what if" all well.. everything happens for a reason.

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